I was slapped by him... I have to admit, I provoked him, not in a bad way but like any woman I had to test my limits on how far I could go, stepped out of line only for a little bit and he let me know immediately that I better respect him or else... I did not expect such a harsh reaction just for eating my tuna salad a litte faster than instructed... After all I was not chewing on a Big Mac or was intentionally disrespecting him... but he did not care... He gave me a cold full-force reaction, definitely not the kind of reaction you would expect from a woman, only men can react so cold and heartless when provoked.
I do not know yet how it will make me feel knowing that I have a male living inside of me but I hope for the best... one thing I know for sure... it is going to be a challenging relationship.
With this guy crying or reasoning will not work, there is nothing I can do to make him give in, all my tricks will not work, I will never be able to wrap him around my finger... no matter how hard I try.
From an emotional point of view this is rather a sad and depressing outlook and not the kind of start you expect from a life-long love affair.
This is the reason why it is pretty easy, almost common sense, to call him Your Highness. I do not think that he will accept anything less but my highest respect and devotion to his will. I have no choice but to let him rule over me and to trust in his abilities.
I sure hope that he will be loyal to me, treats me good, looks out for my interests, puts smiles on my face, butterflies in my stomach and makes me feel really good... and most of all never provokes me so bad that I have no choice but to drown him in fatty-high-calorie-ice-cream-shakes!